What To Do With

Why Three Little Hungry Birds?

I have always loved food.

Then, I married food!

For years now, my husband and I have been addicted to all things food.
When we started having children this addiction actually became more intense! We made it a rule to cook together, share our days stories together, eat together and clean together. (ok fine, Patrick does all the cleaning).

It’s for this reason that Three Little Hungry Birds came into play. I am inspired by children everyday. I try and give them the best of the food world. I try and make eating fun and light. It is often hard work. I require a lot of patience when my enthusiasm for the meal of the week, being Mexico, or Spain, or Italy is met with sour faces, long sad sighs, and gagging! But I keep at it, because I truly believe that one day they will aquire the same taste for food that Patrick and I have.

Don’t worry. Stay with me. This is a place for you. Not for your children, although I may occasionally add a kid friendly recipe or two. In fact, most of these recipes I feed to my children

My family loves our cooking. They are always asking how we make it work with three kids. I decided to start sharing some of our techniques and recipes so that more people could have access to them.

I have looked through hundreds of food blogs over the past couple of days. Although some are very interesting, as a mother of three, I just don't have the time to read about what people did on their weekends and what their grandparents favorite recipe is! Not to mention the trials and tribulations of how they finally reached the perfect puff pastry. That’s my job. I do the testing and the re arranging and then I deliver the finished product to you.

I do enjoy the history behind food, don't get me wrong but all I want when I look for a recipe is, the recipe! Or, at the very least, to be inspired by that recipe.

What I have done here is try to put together a collection of recipes that please the palate and provide a quick and easy place for you to find the recipe of your choice.

I love photography, especially good food photography so I have tried to add as many photos as possible to give you some direction. Most of the photographs are mine so you will have to excuse the amateur photography!

The bottom line: This is not a blog for the literary types. It is essentially a blog for busy moms who like to eat well or who would like to start eating well again. I want to give you the inspiration to start your love affair with food.

I hope to convert the non converted into eating fresh, local flavors as much as possible and to eat healthy good food to inspire the soul!

I hope you enjoy!